
영어 관용 표현 (미국 드라마 대사에 나오고, 나도 사용하는)

군만두서비스 2021. 1. 14. 19:00

Right away, sir (예 알겠습니다)

Would you wait for a moment (잠시만 기다려주시겠습니까?)

Do you have a moment? (잠깐 시간있어?)

I beg your pardon (다시 말씀해주세요)

I make the solemn promise to you (제가 엄숙하게 약속드리겠습니다)

same here (나도, 미투)

with all due respect (외람되지만)

sir, forgive me if this isn't the case (무례할 수도 있지만)

That's all I'm asking (내가 원하는건 그게 다에요)

What I'm about to tell you has to remain between us (제가 하려는 말은 우리사이의 비밀입니다)

I'm humbled. (몸둘 바를 모르겠습니다)

It would be a great honor (큰 영광입니다)

That's weird (이상하네)

at least, you got laid (최소한, 나랑 잤잖아요)

What's the word.. (뭐랄까..)

It will take time (시간이 필요할 겁니다)

She sends her regards (그녀가 안부 전해달래)

Well, It was my pleasure (제가 좋아서 한 거에요)

It's not invisible (숨길 수 없죠)

Something you like better (더 맘에 드시는 걸로요)

I feel obligated (해야만 할 것 같습니다)

I've voiced my concerns (전 분명히 말했습니다)

so far, so good (아직까진 좋아요)

I don't think so (난 그렇지 않아)

I feel the same way (동감입니다)

You're absolutely right (당신 말이 맞아요)

I'm choosing my words very carefully here (이건 말하기 조심스러운데..)

I was out of line (선을 넘었어)

I gave him my words (내가 그에게 약속했어)

Sorry for the interruption (방해해서 죄송합니다)

I'm completely clear about it (내 생각은 확고해요)

so, the good life is not about looking good, feeling good or having goods. It's about being good and doing good
